So, two weeks ago (you remember - the last time I posted) work really s*cked.
Then last week, work didn't s*ck quite as bad - but it was still pretty bad. I found out the previous Friday that I needed to be in New York on Monday morning. Don't get me wrong - I don't mind traveling and I like Manhattan. But I always end up working long hours and don't get to enjoy the trip; this trip was no exception*. And, to close out the week right, I worked a couple extra hours Friday evening and didn't leave the office until 7:30 at night.
I'm hoping that work s*cks even less this week. Hope springs eternal.
Being called out of town last week resulted in my missing the first "Odd Couple" read-through. Although not the end of the world, it was rather awkward to be cast in a lead role one week - and the following week have to make excuses why I would miss the first rehearsal. Last night, I attended my first rehearsal and had fun, though. But, man-o-man! - I've got a lot of memorizing to do!!
Yesterday was the three-week anniversary of my wisdom teeth removal. And I can't wait till the "traumatized" areas of my mouth stop being so sensitive to hot and cold items placed therein. My teeth have never before been sensitive to temperature - and I can't wait for them to regain their brute indifference. That is going to happen - right, Leslie?
I finished a couple of books since my last post. First was The Powwow Highway (in preparation for a He Read/She Read post - unless Rebekah has dumped me) and, more recently, I completed (at long last) Vincent Bugliosi's massive work (1500+ pages) on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy called Reclaiming History. It took me months to finally reach the finish line of Bugliosi's magnum opus**, not because the book is poorly written or boring - but because the factual information regarding the assassination and, in particular, debunking of many conspiracy myths that have cropped up over the years (including a complete demolition of the Oliver Stone film, JFK) are covered in such great detail and with great authority. If you are like I was - having never read a book on the Kennedy assassination - or believing in a vague way (without knowing quite why) that there must have been a shadowy conspiracy behind Kennedy's death - you owe it to yourself to read at least part of Reclaiming History.
I'm getting sleepy now, so I'd better get this baby posted before I run out of steam. With any luck, I'll spend less time working and more time writing this week.
Hey! Stop laughing at me like that. It's impolite to ridicule the deluded.
Take care.
PS: If you need more randomness in your life (and who doesn't?), I would be remiss not to strongly urge you to visit Keely at the Un-Mom immediately.

* Get this: I took my little voice recorder and microphone with me to NYC thinking I might...{giggle} do a post or two in my...{guffaw} spare time. I wasn't kidding about the whole "deluded" thing.
** I apologize for mispronouncing Mr. Bu-li-o-si's name twice. I never realized the "G" was silent.
Didn't Vincent Bugliosi write Helter Skelter, about Charles Manson and his followers? That was a good read!
Wisdom teeth removal is painful. good luck.
Have a great RTT!
Congrats, 'Oscar'! :) Hope this week sucks less for you... and that your wisdom teeth removal trauma passes soon. ;)
Happy RTT! :)
Wait! So who did it?
Joanie: That's correct.
You now have 10 points - and the lead!
[Helter Skelter is a good book - though not for the faint of heart.]
Harriet, I-am: Another correct answer!
That leaves you tied with Joanie at 10.
[I need all the luck I can get - Thanks for commenting.]
Stacey: Thanks! Reducing suckage is what I'm all about (I think).
Cap'n: Oooh - I'm afraid that is NOT the correct answer. So you'll drop back to minus 10.
We were looking for "Who is Mark David Chapman?" No - wait a minute...I mean "Who was Lyndon Baines Johnson?" No, no, no...that's still not right. "Who is Gary Leonard Oldman?"
["I shouted out 'Who killed the Kennedys?!' / When after all, it was you and me..."]
I think that anybody who reads such a long book should be sleepy.
Great Randomness! It didn't s*ck.
CaJoh: Yeah - I earned my sleepiness.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
I'm starting Life of Pi, that is, if you haven't dumped me.
Pamela: I would NEVER dump you.
Although, like any man, I may be inattentive from time to time.
Expect an email from me.
Honey, your devotion to that book makes me fear you are going to ask me to read it. I think your biceps grew a quarter inch from holding that book up.
The fact that you won't type the word su*k is pretty much the most adorable thing I've ever seen in my life. You'd really hate my fu*#ing blog.
FoN: Thanks - but I fear you may feel differently about me if you read or listen to this. Hope you'll stop by to read and comment again soon. I'm going to check out Kids and Daiquiris right now.
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