Thursday, February 29, 2024

The DEVIL made me do it

Here's my post on the New York Time's Wordle Review comments for yesterday.

Wordle 984 3/6

⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨   496 WL
⬜⬜⬜🟩🟩        1 WL

Skill 99/99
Luck 57/99
Streak 735

Wordle players of a certain level of maturity (read: “old, like me”) may find themselves thinking about comedian Flip Wilson for the first time in a while today.

Guess #1 provided only the E (out of position) and almost 500 remaining solutions.  But Guess #2 showed me that the word ended with —IL.  I thought of PERIL first — but realized it couldn’t be the solution (since no R was present).  But I was a lucky DEVIL, as it seemed only one possible solution remained for Guess #3 (“Hope you guessed my name!”).  All the letters turned green and I was Under Par a fourth straight day.  I tied The Bot and bested the (current) NYT avg by almost a full guess (3 vs. 3.9). 

Take care and stay safe.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Start Making SENSE


Here's my post on the New York Time's Wordle Review comments for yesterday.

Wordle 983 3/6

🟩⬜⬜🟨🟩   7 WL
🟩⬜🟩⬜🟩   1 WL

Skill 93/99
Luck 82/99
Streak 734

A ten-day trip to Maui seems to have been good for my game — it was certainly beautiful and relaxing.  I missed my routine of posting and reading the Wordle comments — but I had to get out of my normal routine in order to fully embrace the vacation. 

Guess #1 gave me a bunch of letters again today (S & E, in position, and N, out of position) — and only 7 solutions remaining.  Of course, based on information from Game #952 (SNAKE on 1/27/2024), I knew only 5 solutions remained — which gave me confidence to play aggressively on Guess #2.  SINCE wasn’t the solution — but it left only one possibility for Guess #3.  I had the good SENSE to type it in and watched happily as the letters all turn green.  I tied The Bot and bested the (current) NYT avg by more than a full guess (3 vs. 4.1).  It’s my third straight day under par (6th, if you count my 4 on PIPER when the avg was 5.2). 

Hopefully, I can post some pictures from Hawaii soon.

Take care and stay safe.

PS:  Yesterday, the temperature broke 70° F here in southern Lower Michigan.  Today, I saw snowflakes.  If that's not "extreme weather," I don't know what would qualify.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Knock It STIFF

Here's my post on the New York Time's Wordle Review comments for yesterday.

Wordle 965 3/6

🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜ SHONE   107 WL
⬜⬜⬜🟨🟨 PLAIT         3 WL
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 STIFF

Skill 99/99
Luck 60/99
Streak 716

It feels like “I learned my lesson well” — to quote Rick Nelson — which got my day off to a good start and my Wordling back on-track.

Guess #1 gave me only a Green S (107 solutions remaining) — but Guess #2 again gave me enough info to get within striking distance of the solution (I & T - both out of position).  STICK was the first word that came into my mind — but it had been a previous solution.  STIFF seemed like a viable alternative — but SIXTY was also a possibility.  I didn’t find out until finishing play that these were the *only* three solutions remaining.

Remembering that I had gotten into trouble yesterday by overthinking things, I decided to remain firm and stick with STIFF.  Which paid off big time, as I watched the letters all turn green.  I *crushed* The Bot (3 vs 5 — almost avenging yesterday’s ignominy) and bested the (current) NYT avg by more than a full guess (3 vs. 4.3).  It’s a nice way to head into the weekend. 

Take care and stay safe.

Friday, February 9, 2024

"Do you know how non-PLACE he was?"

Here's my post on the New York Time's Wordle Review comments for yesterday.

Wordle 964 5/6

⬜⬜⬜⬜🟩 SHONE   193 WL
⬜⬜🟩⬜🟨 TRAIL         11 WL
⬜🟨⬜⬜⬜ DEBUG        4 WL
⬜🟩🟩⬜🟩 FLAME         2 WL
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 PLACE

Skill 96/99
Luck 35/99
Streak 715

I don’t believe I’m suffering from manic depression — just expectations which have gotten out of control.  The Bot advised that “No one in our sample of 1,738,870 completed Wordles faced this scenario!” — and I should hope not.  I didn’t want to face it either. 

Guess #1 gave me only a Green E (193 solutions remaining) — but Guess #2 gave me enough info to get within striking distance of the solution (A - in position & L - out of position).  In fact, PLACE was the first word that came into my mind — but playing too hastily got me into trouble earlier in the week.  So I decided to get into trouble by overthinking things today instead.  

I knew from Game #873 (GLAZE on 11/9/2023)  that about 10 solutions remained after my second guess (OK, probably only 7 adjusting for previous & unlikely solutions) — I thought I should probably play it safe on Guess #3 and try to position myself for a “sure thing” in 4.  But DEBUG didn’t match any letters I didn’t already know about — and didn’t eliminate nearly enough words.  Now I was playing defensively, since solving in 4 wasn’t a sure thing — and a very big number seemed more likely.  So, instead of taking a risk, going with my gut, and playing PLACE — I used FLAME for Guess #4.  It didn’t solve — but I had finally weaseled my way to the right PLACE.  (The Bot claimed CLAVE was another possible solution but…give me a break!  CLAVE?  I don’t *think* so.)

I lost to The Bot (5 vs 2 — hoo boy!) and the (current) NYT avg (5 vs. 3.3).  I think I even lost my self respect (OK, that’s a little dramatic, I know).  Tomorrow is another day and all that. 

Take care and stay safe.

Thursday, February 8, 2024


Here's my post on the New York Time's Wordle Review comments for yesterday.

Wordle 963 3/6

⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 SHONE   496 WL
🟨🟨🟨⬜⬜ TRAIL         11 WL
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 AFTER

Skill 90/99
Luck 56/99
Streak 714

Under Par on back-to-back days — I’m starting to feel good about myself again.

Guess #1 gave me only a Yellow E (496 solutions remaining) — but Guess #2 hit the jackpot, providing T, R & A (all out of position).  So, I had 4 of 5 letters — but didn’t know the location of any — just places where they *didn’t* belong.  Not to mention (although I’m about to), there’s a TON of words you can make with E, T, R & A!  Once I had cross referenced with previous solutions and eliminated letters, I felt my best options were:  AFTER, EATER & WATER.  Since I wasn’t at all sure those three words were the *only* solutions left, I didn’t consider playing “defensively” (for example:  WATER would ensure a solution in 4 among those 3 words).  I felt good about AFTER — and I felt even better AFTER I played it.  I tied The Bot but bested the (current) NYT avg handily (3 vs. 3.8).  

Hopefully I can go “3 for Three” tomorrow. 

Take care and stay safe.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Which Is WHICH

Here's my post on the New York Time's Wordle Review comments for yesterday.

Wordle 962 3/6

⬜🟩⬜⬜⬜ SHONE   31 WL
⬜⬜🟩🟩⬜ TRICK       1 WL
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 WHICH

Skill 99/99
Luck 77/99
Streak 713

Back under par with a Sea of Green this morning.  Why, yes — I *am* feeling better about myself today.

Based on the info from my play during Game #667 (WHIFF on 4/17/2023), I knew there were approximately 30 solutions remaining after Guess #1.  When Guess #2 provided I & C as Letters 3 & 4, respectively — I focused on three -HIC- words:  CHICK (can’t be that — K eliminated), THICK (can’t be that either — same reason) and WHICH (it’s gotta be *that*, right?).  Due to yesterday’s mental collapse, I checked my work multiple times before submitting — then watched with relief as all the letters turned GREEN.  I tied The Bot (figures) but bested the (current) NYT avg (3 vs. 3.9).  

With a little luck, I can start a new Under Par streak tomorrow.  Hope you're having a good day.

Take care and stay safe.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Finding Myself REPEL-lent


I just *hate* making an unforced error.  It's particularly dissappointing when the unforced error occurs only moments after determining the right thing to do -- but then NOT doing it.

To elaborate on this feeling of self-loathing, here's my post on the New York Time's Wordle Review comments for yesterday.

Wordle 961 5/6

⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 SHONE   496 WL
⬜🟨⬜⬜🟩 TRAIL          4 WL
🟩🟩⬜🟩🟩 REBEL         2 WL
🟩🟩⬜🟩🟩 REVEL         1 WL
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 REPEL

Skill 99/99
Luck 38/99
Streak 712

Unforced errors are difficult for me to take.  But STUPID mistakes — where you KNOW the right thing to do — but don’t do it?  I’m REPEL-led by them.

After Guess #1 & #2 today, I was quite certain that 3 possible solutions remained.  “How could I be so sure?” you ask.  Because Game #629 (on 3/10/2023 — where REVEL was the solution) told me so.  I consulted my list of PU words just to be sure — because my brain had seized on the idea that Wordle might be tricky and pick solutions with a V two days in a row.  Nope — REBEL & REPEL were left.  If I got lucky, I could solve in 3 or settle for a par, at the worst.  So I played REBEL for Guess #3, exactly like The Bot.  But then…I didn’t do what I *knew* I had to do.  I didn’t play REBEL, like I was supposed to.  The man with the V’s in his bonnet played REVEL — just like The Bot (which keeps itself blissfully ignorant of previous solutions)!  I was so disappointed in myself.  I tied The Bot (adding insult to injury somehow) but was roundly defeated (as I deserved to be) by the (current) NYT avg (5 vs. 4.3).  

The journey to restore my self-image will already be underway, by the time you read this.  Hope your week started better than mine. 

Take care and stay safe.

Monday, February 5, 2024


Here's my post on the New York Time's Wordle Review comments for yesterday.

Wordle 960 4/6

⬜⬜⬜⬜🟩 SHONE   193 WL
⬜🟨⬜⬜⬜ TRAIL          8 WL
⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩 MERGE       1 WL
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 VERGE

Skill 99/99
Luck 41/99
Streak 711

Oh, so we’re back to the old “Guess #1 matches the E & Guess #2 gives you a single Yellow letter” deal, is that it?  

Today, Guess #1 was E as Letter 5 and Guess #2 was R someplace else.  But detailed record-keeping provided guidance from Game #795 (VERVE on 8/23/2023), so I knew The Bot’s favorite in that scenario was MERGE (which had *not* been a previous solution) and I used it for Guess #3.  It wasn’t the solution  — but I could see that I was on the VERGE of victory.  I changed an M to a V and watched all the letters turn green.  I tied The Bot but bested to the (current) NYT avg (4 vs. 4.8).  

Saw “The Zone Of Interest” in my quest to see all the Best Picture nominees again this year, before the Oscar telecast.  A disturbing film (as it should be, given the subject matter) but very well-done. 

And Rie (aka The Girl aka My Daughter -- remembering to blog in code takes a lot of effort) went with me to church yesterday morning!  So I call that a good day.

Take care and stay safe.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Tiny Victories

Here's my post on the New York Time's Wordle Review comments for yesterday.

Wordle 959 3/6

⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜ SHONE   193 WL
🟩🟨⬜⬜🟨 MOLAR       1 WL
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 MICRO

Skill 99/99
Luck 64/99
Streak 710

Some days things fall into place quickly.  Today, Guess #1 yielded only the O (out of position) which The Bot (again) described as “unlucky”.  Guess #2 provided M (in position) & R (out of position) — and O didn’t match as Letter 2 either.  Since had go in as Letter 4 or 5, I thought I’d look for a word with the pattern, M—RO.  MICRO was the first thing that came to mind (and, I found out later, the only remaining solution), so I quickly played it and watched all the letters turn green.  I tied The Bot but bested to the (current) NYT avg (3 vs. 3.9).  Weekend going well so far.

Take care and stay safe.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Low On Luck

Here's my post on the New York Time's Wordle Review comments for yesterday.

Wordle 958 4/6

⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 SHONE   496 WL
🟨⬜⬜⬜🟨 TRAIL          9 WL
🟨🟩🟩⬜🟩 FLEET          1 WL
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 CLEFT

Skill 99/99
Luck 41/99
Streak 709

Don’t let anyone tell you it’s not better to be LUCKY than SKILLful in this game. Since Sunday, I’ve had 90+ SKILL scores every day — but I’ve only been under par the one day (yesterday) that my LUCK score exceeded 50.

Guess #1 yielded only the E (out of position) which The Bot described as “unlucky”.  Guess #2 provided T & L (both out of position), which theoretically left 9 possible solutions.  Based on out-of-control record keeping, however, I knew from my play in Game #666 (DWELT on 4/16/2023) that only 5 solutions remained and The Bot’s favorite word in that scenario was FLEET, which had not previously been a solution — so I played it for Guess #3.  It wasn’t today’s solution either, but it did confirm that LE & T were in their proper places — and F had to be Letter 4.  It was a bit anticlimactic to play CLEFT — but I did it anyway, so I could watch all the letters turn green.  I tied The Bot but fell to the (current) NYT avg (4 vs. 3.6) — which seemed to me an unusual circumstance that I will need to research further.  Just glad the work week is coming to an end. 

And, since I missed posting both here and in the NYT comments on Thursday, I'm including my results from that game below.

Wordle 957 3/6

⬜⬜⬜⬜🟩 SHONE     193 WL
⬜⬜🟨🟨🟨 TRAIL       3 (1) WL
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 ALIVE

Skill 99/99
Luck 61/99
NYT avg = 3.6

Better finish this up so I don't miss a second day of posting.  I have standards to uphold after all.

Take care and stay safe.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Guesses In BULK(Y)

Here's my post on the New York Time's Wordle Review comments for yesterday.
Wordle 956 5/6

⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ SHONE   376 WL
⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 TRAIL        18 WL
🟨🟩⬜⬜🟩 LUMPY       6 WL
⬜🟩🟩⬜🟩 FULLY         2 WL
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 BULKY

Skill 93/99
Luck 31/99
Streak 707

I *hate* using a word for Guess #3 (or later) that I *know* can’t be the solution. Some days — like today — that strategy is going to result in a big number.  Or (gulp) losing a game.  But for the 4th day in a row, it’s “Another day, another 4+ NYT Wordle average.” 

Guess #1 yielded nothing but gray squares this morning and Guess #2 provided only the L (out of position).  My super-nerdy record keeping provided guidance from Game #812 (LUCKY on 9/9/2023) that 18 solutions remained and The Bot’s favorite word in that scenario was PUBIC.  Now don’t get me wrong — I love me some PUBIC — but I did mention earlier my aversion to playing purely strategically for Guess #3 and higher.  My first thought was the previously used LUCKY — so I went with LUMPY instead.  The good news?  I now had U & Y identified and in position.  The bad news?  It looked to me like I was looking for a word ending —ULLY, with multiple opening letter possibilities (BULLY, DULLY, FULLY, GULLY) and not enough guesses left.  

I decided to use FULLY for Guess #4 — which showed me that I *hadn’t* fallen into the —ULLY trap.  But I still hadn’t found the solution.  Thankfully, BULKY seemed to be the only viable word remaining (BULGY?  I don’t *think* so…) — so I typed it in and watched all the letters turn green.  I lost to both The Bot (5 vs 4 — Bottie went with BULLY for Guess #3.  Pretty LUCKY, in my opinion) and the (current) NYT avg (5 vs. 4.3).  A bit humbling — but that’s not all bad.  Tomorrow is another opportunity to go “under par.” 

We received a good bit of snow here yesterday morning -- but high temps are supposed to reach the low 40s for the coming week.  So it's not clear how long yesterday's white stuff will remain with us.

Take care and stay safe.