So the Middle-Aged Woman's combined birthday/anniversary gift showed up yesterday...

I think she likes it.

My birthday/anniversary gift still hasn't arrived...
[Another d*mn clerical error, no doubt.]
But no Cricuts were
Take care.
[You KNOW I'm being careful...]
Is that a new printer?
MAW, you're a lucky gal!
Is that a new printer.
Oh, Dedene. Bless your non-crafty heart.
Just for that, Dedene and Pamela, I will make something very special for you with my new "printer." And he's right that his present hasn't arrived. I've been bad. Suggestions?
Yeah, I had to go look up what that was...awesome!! With all the scrap booking I hear about, that will be PERFECT!
I've heard MAW mention this Cricut thing before but I still have no idea what it is. I'm pretty sure you shouldn't touch it though.
It'll be hard for you and the wife to read a book a day to maintain daily posts!
Ladies: I'm glad you finally got it all worked out as to the identity of MAW's gift. I thought it was going to be a small, chirping insect. But when I saw the box, I knew it was either the worst case of overpackage I had ever seen - or I was wrong. I think there's some scientific rule that says the simpler explanation tends to be the right one.
Cap'n: You don't want to know. And I don't want to touch it. That's my story - and I'm sticking to it.
Mark: It would be hard - if we were to attempt it. MAW is the Unstoppable Reader. I would like to read more - but then I would have to stop doing something else. Sleeping, probably.
I love the way you two communicate!
And a hearty congratulations on the success of He Read/She Read! I am so glad I got to be a part of it and from the comments I've seen, everyone loves the concept and the execution! You are awesome!
For the record, I know what a Cricut is. That's why I said bless Dedene's non-crafty heart.
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