The good doctor removed my bottom wisdom teeth today. I really couldn't spare any more wisdom - in fact, it's not clear I could spare any. However, although they were not causing me pain, the wisdom teeth were candidates for causing trouble for the rest of my (very healthy and clean, thank you very much) choppers. I would go into a lot of detail - but not everyone may be interested in covering dental hygiene in such depth so early in the week.
Just remember:
I'm keeping my eye on you!
Take care.
PS: I couldn't have afforded even this simple procedure without my insurance - so contact the people who represent you in the Congress and Senate. Tell them it's time to act on national healthcare!
Ow, dude. You are far too old for this! However, it's a very Bugs Bunny-esque treatment your dentist devised, don't you think?
Oh, daddy! I'm so sorry...
...but you look RIDICULOUS!
That's a good look for you.
If you find the look embarrassing, you can always wear a ski mask and tell everyone you're a terrorist.
Hey Jim, not only you are very brave to get your "wisdom" removed, but also very brave to have posted those picture for the world to enjoy! LOL... Hope you feel better soon!
Hey, what convent will you be entering?
Six comments and all I got was one "I hope you feel better"? (Thanks, Sunshine.)
This is a rough crowd I'm hanging with.
Oh, fine, I hope you feel better. I'm sure everybody else assumed your insurance covered some pretty sweet pain meds, that's why they didn't say anything.
If you're looking to pop your stitches, read my post about losing my wisdom teeth. Cleverly enough, it's called teeth, and it's in the sidebar under the best of the dayton time.
Ouch! I had mine out when I was 22. I suffered through a week on codeine and a case of Reisling wine.
I never got that kind of bandaging when I had ALL FOUR wisdom teeth removed. They just told my dad to expect me to choke on a few cotton balls for the rest of the day.
Feel better!
Ohhh wow...awesome look! Really brings out your eyes and cheek bones.
Pamela: I sense that your words of comfort are offered somewhat grudgingly - but I'll take what I can get. I read your "teeth" post and was shocked to find that, except for a few minor details (the 30 year age difference; my receiving only a local anesthetic so that I could savor every whirl of the drill and tug on my jaw; I drove myself; no Frosty and no ruined shirt), our experiences were almost identical. Kind of. And my pain meds aren't that great. A tank of nitrous oxide would be tons better.
Dedene: They told me to avoid alcohol as it would irritate my wounds. I think more choclate ice cream would help, though.
SK: The bandages were only for holding ice packs in place. I've been using a scarf since discarding the original gauze. They used gauze pads rather than cotton balls in my mouth though. I plowed through more than half a box on the first day.
Jess: Yeah - I've had to beat the women off with a stick. Some guys will do anything to accentuate their eyes and cheekbones.
While you may be losing wisdom, I am gaining it. As we speak I have a wisdom tooth growing in, just popped through the gum a few weeks ago, feels weird to be getting a new tooth at 24, but I think I deserve a visit from the tooth fairy
I had mine out - two at a time in the Air Force.
Thanks for pointing out that health care problem - we do need to fix it soon.
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